Discipleship Inventory
0 = rarely/not at all; 1 = sometimes; 2 = usually; 3 = almost always/always
Please respond to each statement honestly with the number that best describes you (0, 1, 2, or 3)
___I look forward to reading the Bible daily.
___I look forward to spending time with God in prayer daily.
___I daily deny myself by offering God my body to use as He desires.
___I forgive, pray for, and ask God to bless those who have hurt me.
___I spend at least four hours each week feeding my spiritual life and serving God by serving others.
___Using my gifts and abilities to serve God through a specific ministry in my church gives me joy.
___I generously and cheerfully support the Lord's work financially.
___I daily allow God to love others through me.
___Each week I could write at least one way I loved my neighbor as myself.
___Each week I could write at least one way I loved another believer as Jesus loves me.
___I promote the gospel by praying for the salvation of lost persons by name, living a Christ-centered life, praising God enthusiastically in our worship service, giving financially to support evangelism, and being prepared to share my hope in Christ with others who ask about it.
___I look forward to and attend the worship service every week.
___Weekly, I actively participate in at least 1 small group (includes Sunday school)
___Gratitude motivates me to serve God.
___I feel a deep need for God's grace every day.
___I balance speaking the truth and speaking it with love.
___I give regularly to meet the needs of the poor.
___ I am helping one or more other people become more like Jesus.
____ Total score
Average Discipleship Index = total score divided by 18 (See chart below)
My Average Discipleship Index =
Work first on improving the one or two areas with the lowest scores. The Discipleship score of mature disciples should be no less than 2 for all 18 items. Pursue continual improvement.
Score Ave. Score Ave.
1 0.06 28 1.56
2 0.11 29 1.61
3 0.17 30 1.67
4 0.22 31 1.72
5 0.28 32 1.78
6 0.33 33 1.83
7 0.39 34 1.89
8 0.44 35 1.94
9 0.5 36 2
10 0.56 37 2.06
11 0.61 38 2.11
12 0.67 39 2.17
13 0.72 40 2.22
14 0.78 41 2.28
15 0.83 42 2.33
16 0.89 43 2.39
17 0.94 44 2.44
18 1 45 2.5
19 1.06 46 2.56
20 1.11 47 2.61
21 1.17 48 2.67
22 1.22 49 2.72
23 1.28 50 2.78
24 1.33 51 2.83
25 1.39 52 2.89
26 1.44 53 2.94
27 1.5 54 3
Call us at 717-564-6673 or email us at [email protected]
Please respond to each statement honestly with the number that best describes you (0, 1, 2, or 3)
___I look forward to reading the Bible daily.
___I look forward to spending time with God in prayer daily.
___I daily deny myself by offering God my body to use as He desires.
___I forgive, pray for, and ask God to bless those who have hurt me.
___I spend at least four hours each week feeding my spiritual life and serving God by serving others.
___Using my gifts and abilities to serve God through a specific ministry in my church gives me joy.
___I generously and cheerfully support the Lord's work financially.
___I daily allow God to love others through me.
___Each week I could write at least one way I loved my neighbor as myself.
___Each week I could write at least one way I loved another believer as Jesus loves me.
___I promote the gospel by praying for the salvation of lost persons by name, living a Christ-centered life, praising God enthusiastically in our worship service, giving financially to support evangelism, and being prepared to share my hope in Christ with others who ask about it.
___I look forward to and attend the worship service every week.
___Weekly, I actively participate in at least 1 small group (includes Sunday school)
___Gratitude motivates me to serve God.
___I feel a deep need for God's grace every day.
___I balance speaking the truth and speaking it with love.
___I give regularly to meet the needs of the poor.
___ I am helping one or more other people become more like Jesus.
____ Total score
Average Discipleship Index = total score divided by 18 (See chart below)
My Average Discipleship Index =
Work first on improving the one or two areas with the lowest scores. The Discipleship score of mature disciples should be no less than 2 for all 18 items. Pursue continual improvement.
Score Ave. Score Ave.
1 0.06 28 1.56
2 0.11 29 1.61
3 0.17 30 1.67
4 0.22 31 1.72
5 0.28 32 1.78
6 0.33 33 1.83
7 0.39 34 1.89
8 0.44 35 1.94
9 0.5 36 2
10 0.56 37 2.06
11 0.61 38 2.11
12 0.67 39 2.17
13 0.72 40 2.22
14 0.78 41 2.28
15 0.83 42 2.33
16 0.89 43 2.39
17 0.94 44 2.44
18 1 45 2.5
19 1.06 46 2.56
20 1.11 47 2.61
21 1.17 48 2.67
22 1.22 49 2.72
23 1.28 50 2.78
24 1.33 51 2.83
25 1.39 52 2.89
26 1.44 53 2.94
27 1.5 54 3
Call us at 717-564-6673 or email us at [email protected]