The GEMS 2024 Schedule of Events
DIAMOND DINERS - All luncheons begin at 11:30 AM.
Jan. 8 - Covered Dish Luncheon, bingo and fellowship
Feb. 12 - Covered Dish Luncheon and sharing by Pastor Boyer
Mar. 11 - Covered Dish Luncheon, bingo and fellowship
Apr. 8 - Lunch - location TBA
May 13 - Dinner on the grill
Jun. 10- Lunch at the Wharf
Jul. 8 - Picnic at Donna Miller's home
Aug. 12 - Covered Dish Luncheon and Mary Klouse
Sep. 9 - Covered Dish Luncheon and Bingo
Oct. 14 - Covered Dish Luncheon, bingo and fellowship
Nov. 11 - Dinner at the Wharf
Dec. 9- Christmas Dinner
Jan. 8 - Covered Dish Luncheon, bingo and fellowship
Feb. 12 - Covered Dish Luncheon and sharing by Pastor Boyer
Mar. 11 - Covered Dish Luncheon, bingo and fellowship
Apr. 8 - Lunch - location TBA
May 13 - Dinner on the grill
Jun. 10- Lunch at the Wharf
Jul. 8 - Picnic at Donna Miller's home
Aug. 12 - Covered Dish Luncheon and Mary Klouse
Sep. 9 - Covered Dish Luncheon and Bingo
Oct. 14 - Covered Dish Luncheon, bingo and fellowship
Nov. 11 - Dinner at the Wharf
Dec. 9- Christmas Dinner
This group is small but is being polished by their polishers
This group is small but is being polished by their polishers